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we must have

             equal rights!


however we are not

             the same... 


the value is in

             our differenceS!




The Movement

our mission is to

Create A Movement Where Women And Men

                Collaborate, Cooperate And Co-Create

Their Shared World Together!

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If You Are A Strong Woman Leader With Challenges Finding Time & Peace For Yourself, Which Is Impacting Your Relationships, Let's Explore Together So You Can Have 10 Hours A Week Of Joy!

Book Some Free Time With Me.


upon a time

In a not too far planet and not too long ago, I was living the corporate empowered life any woman can dream of. I also had the marriage, the daughters and the house. What else could a woman want? Oh, I forgot and I also had the friends. Thank God.

However, I was stressed, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled. A very bad combination when it comes to health.

And one blessed day I learned about feminine and masculine energies. I learned about how women and men can live healthier and more fulfilled lives by valuing them and using them in equal proportions.


I created a method which is changing women's lives, based on over 20 years of experience in business, acting;, therapy, coaching,

spirituality, yoga, meditation, and

my profound life experiences.

Welcome to the New Female Evolution!

#coachkeya | Nana Ponceleon | #crossroadconversations | #balance  #masculine  with #feminine within

#coachkeya | Nana Ponceleon | #crossroadconversations | #balance #masculine with #feminine within

Nana Ponceleon is a TEDx Speaker, a life coach, a businesswoman, an actress, and a life explorer. She graduated with a degree in Business and Computer Science from Pace University in New York. During her corporate tenure, she worked with recognized organizations such as Phillip Brothers (the commodities division of the late Salomon Brothers) and Microsoft, where she dedicated 12 years to sales, among other roles. Following her time at Microsoft, she transitioned into a role as a sales consultant for several years. Her passion for arts and storytelling led her to make a drastic career change from corporate to acting. She is an award-winning actress who has performed in more than 45 films and theater productions. Among her most distinguished work is her performance as the lead actress in the play “My Mother's Severed Head”, produced by Bruce Willis and showcased in 2021 at Theater Row on 42nd St in New York City. After experiencing a significant shift in her personal life, marked by a divorce following 22 years of marriage, she embarked on a profound and transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. This journey ultimately led her to become a life coach and the founder of 'Act Feminine'. The mission is to lead a movement that promotes collaboration and cooperation between women and men, nurturing them to co-create a more inclusive world together. Additionally, she specializes in supporting strong women leaders as they navigate the challenges of finding time and peace for themselves, which often impacts their efforts to preserve and enhance their close relationships. Furthermore, she serves as an advisor at the Florence Belsky Charitable Foundation and is honored to be a member of prestigious organizations like the League of Professional Theater Women in NYC and The Hollywood Club LA (formerly The Woman’s Club of Hollywood). Volunteering for the Isha Foundation is also a regular commitment of hers. Connect with Nana at Connect with Keya at Download Your Free 33-page colorful Ebook with Your Six Step to Success at Download Your Free Self Hypnosis Script for Easier Sleep at
Healing From Emotional Abuse: How To Heal: With Nana Ponceleon

Healing From Emotional Abuse: How To Heal: With Nana Ponceleon

Can you heal from abuse?  What do I do after leaving my narcissist? What does a healthy relationship look like? These concerns cross the minds of over 20 people every minute; over 28,800 people every day.  And the sad fact is, we still don’t talk about it enough.  Healing from Emotional Abuse isn’t a bandaid situation.  But it doesn’t have to be a five year process either. Millions of other survivors around the worlds entire lives have been impacted by their narcissist.  Yours doesn’t have to.  To show you how to live a free, confident and peaceful life, your host and Founder of the Healing From Emotional Abuse Philosophy, Marissa F. Cohen. And in April, I walked into my apartment coming back from school and this man was inside the apartment. Initially, he said that, you know, where the money is, it looked like a robbery. But eventually, you know, it turned into a rape. And my life just got… I don't even know what the word is. But I guess transformed, changed in an instant. It became a before and after. Because after the rape, he was still in the apartment. And well, I was totally, you know, I was tied up and he knew what he was doing. And I remember thinking in an instant, that with the most peaceful feeling, which was the weirdest thing. I remember saying to God, God…. you can take me now. But it was so peaceful though my reset, it was so strange, because it really was, like, I was feeling an out of body experience. Like, literally went into this place of total peace, which is so weird. Hey! If you enjoyed this podcast, you have to check out  Marissa would love to develop a made-for-you healing plan to heal from emotional abuse. She does all the work, and you just show up. Stop feeling stuck, alone, and hurt, and live a free, confident, and peaceful life.  Don’t forget to subscribe to the Healing From Emotional Abuse podcast, and follow us on Facebook at, and instagram @Marissa.Faye.Cohen. We’d love to see you there! police officer assault. stalked by police officer. assault police. assault by police officer. life transformation. life transformation after abuse. life transformations. relationship advice. sexual assault.
Nuevos comienzos ¿nueva vida? entrevista a Nana Ponceleon en Por esta Ventana #88

Nuevos comienzos ¿nueva vida? entrevista a Nana Ponceleon en Por esta Ventana #88

La reinvención ocurre por cambios de circunstancias. Ya sea por el Año Nuevo, por la migración, por decisión propia. Exploraremos como hacerlo y tendremos un testimonio impactante. Creo que la reinvención es todo un arte. Porque la vida es un óleo en blanco y es nuestra decisión como queremos colorearlo, creando así una obra de arte que nos encante e inspire a otros. Mi invitada de hoy es Nana Ponceleon, una mujer que se reinventó en muchas facetas. Tanto en lo personal, como en su cambio de mujer de negocios en Venezuela a actriz en Nueva York. Además en la segunda parte de este episodio, te explico las tres claves de la reinvención y te doy algunos tips prácticos, para ayudarte en tu reinvención. Te invito a participar en vivo con tus comentarios y preguntas, en mi programa radial “Por Esta Ventana con Jeanette Salvatierra”, que se transmite todos los miércoles de8 a 9pm hora de Miami (EST) por la señal de Utiliza los siguientes Enlaces de interés, para que puedas conocer aún más sobre mi trabajo, mis mensajes de reflexión, ejercicios para el crecimiento personal, herramientas para desarrollar tu productividad, alcanzar felicidad, éxito, abundancia y bienestar. Mi website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @nanaponceleon @actfemininebynana @jltradiomiami @jeanettejsalvatierra
Cuando el negocio es actuar entrevista a Nana Ponceleón

Cuando el negocio es actuar entrevista a Nana Ponceleón

Cuando el negocio es actuar. Entrevista a Nana Ponceleón en Por esta Ventana. Premiada dos veces por su papel en una obra off Broadway producida por Bruce Willis, la actriz venezolana nos cuenta su historia y sus planes. Polifacética, divertida y talentosa son atributos de Nana Ponceleón, venezolana que triunfa en EEUU, en una carrera que pocas a su edad deciden iniciar. Después de mas de una década en el mundo corporativo, con una vida “estable” emocional y económicamente, se atreve a emigrar y perseguir su sueños: convertirse en actriz de teatro y cine y triunfar en el competitivo mercado estadounidense. Recientemente galardonada con 2 premios de la crítica por su papel en “My mother’s severed head”, nos comparte en esta entrevista como continuará “explorando la vida” y sus oportunidades. Este espacio en vivo “Por esta Ventana” o PEV te ofrece información y herramientas para que te desarrolles como una persona de negocios plena y próspera. Incluimos entrevistas y también entretenimiento, todos los miércoles de 8PM a 9PM EST (chat abierto para interactuar). **** Para colaboraciones y entrevistas enviar un mensaje privado a **** **** @jeanettejsalvatierra en IG o un email a **** Nuestra invitada en este episodio. Nana Ponceleón. Obtuvo una licenciatura en administración de negocios con énfasis en informática, en Pace University en Nueva York. Trabajó por mas de 12 años en ventas y mercadeo para Microsoft y otras importantes corporaciones. Deja su carrera para enfocarse en su pasión: las artes escénicas, el baile, el canto y la actuación. Produjo espectáculos en su natal Venezuela, participando también en obras teatrales, mini series de televisión, musicales y en la conocida película “La Hora Cero”, donde interpretó con mucho éxito el personaje de una enfermera, clave en la trama. Actualmente reside en Los Angeles, EEUU, es madre de 2 hijas, @danibarranco y @lalibarranco conocidas artistas e Influencers en Venezuela. La audiencia dispone del chat en vivo para preguntas y comentarios. Si ves el programa en diferido, deja tu pregunta que nosotros te respondemos. El Equipo de PEV. Sobre la anfitriona de “Por esta Ventana”: Jeanette Salvatierra MBA apoya a mujeres emprendedoras y profesionales a reconocer su genialidad, armonizando su mente y corazón para incrementar sus resultados individuales y de negocios, así como su impacto en el mundo. Autora, conferencista internacional y mentora, sirve como estratega de vida y desarrollo de negocios. Graduada como ingeniera en computación y certificada como coach de vida, combina conocimientos de negocios con experiencia corporativa internacional en ventas y mercadeo, estudios en mindfulness, espiritualidad, psicología positiva y neurociencias. Centenares de profesionales y emprendedoras avalan la efectividad de sus mentorías y capacitaciones, con sus resultados de negocios y en sus vidas privadas. Como conferencista ha llegado a miles de mujeres hispanas alrededor del mundo, con ponencias sobre liderazgo femenino, la resiliencia, la inclusión de discapacitados visuales y la gratitud. Es Autora del reconocido libro “Viviendo en Modo Agradecido”, lo que la ha dado a conocer como “La Dama de la Gratitud”. Conecta con Jeanette en redes sociales: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube: Este video NO está patrocinado. Algunos enlaces a productos son enlaces de afiliados, lo que significa que si compras algo, recibiremos una pequeña comisión. Esta comisión no implica ningún costo adicional para ti. 😊 ¡Gracias por apoyar este canal! B=Video Apuntes Software para analíticos de YouTube y manejo del canal: Mejoras en SEO y analíticos adicionales: Email marketing: Pregunta del día: ¿Qué aprendiste en este episodio? Escríbeme a y explora gratis como te puedo apoyar a desarrollar tu negocio. #negocios #mujeres #crecimientopersonal Descripción para SEO: Cuando el negocio es actuar,Nana Ponceleon,por esta ventana,entrevista,negocios,historias de éxito,emprendedoras,Jeanette Salvatierra,triunfar en la actuación,actriz,venezolana,Venezuela,actrices venezolanas ,Venezuela,@nanaponceleon,@danibarranco,@lalibarranco,@jeanettejsalvatierra,#jeanettesalvatierramentora,#bizwomanMentora,#LaDamaDeLaGratitud

Nana's Conversations


Meet Amada!

She has attended two of our retreats. This is what she said after the first one. 

After the second one, she said "A miracle happened."

Come to our next event and create your own miracle!


no one can give you time...

time is something
you make
for yourself!

Empowerment is worthwhile
if you give yourself

Time To Experience Joy

I help strong women leaders on the challenges they have finding time and peace for themselves, which it’s impacting the relationships they’ve worked hard to build/create.
I was once that woman who felt I had no time for myself, nor for the ones I loved. And I eventually got separated from them. However, that does not have to be you. I know because I've helped many women begin to live a life with time to DO and time to BE!  

Let's chat, so I can show you how you can begin to transform your life after a one hour conversation with me. May be you will want to continue chatting or may be not, but I promise you gifting yourself of an hour with me will be the most worthwhile 60 minutes of your life. 
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 Unwind & Thrive


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